If coming up with a unique, random password every time you sign up for a new service sounds daunting, that's because it is. That's why we created Gyanpie.com Strong Password Generator for you to generate strong passwords.
It is also very difficult to remember all those passwords when needed. That's why we created Gyanpie.com. Gyanpie.com is a password manager app that works on almost any device for creating secure passwords on the go. When you need to log in to a site, Gyanpie.com will automatically fill in the login details for you. Now you only need to remember one secure password - that unlocks all the random, strong passwords created for you by the built-in password generator.
Creating passwords that are both of those characteristics is difficult for humans to do, let alone both. To help you build strong, memorable passwords, we developed the 1Password Strong Password Generator. Your best line of defence against online attacks is to use random, unique passwords because weak or reused passwords account for 81% of data breaches.
Using the same password for both your bank account login and your email account increases your susceptibility because an attacker only needs to acquire one password to have access to both accounts. If you've used the same password across 14 different accounts, you're making it incredibly simple for an attacker to steal your data. You may.